Email Marketing Tips – Part 3

email marketing tips

Do you want to make your email marketing more effective? Here are 5 more tips to help you shine.


In our previous two posts we outlined some simple tips to make your email marketing more effective. Here’s the next instalment! These 5 tips will help you further hone your email marketing to achieve a higher open rate and more sales. 


  1. Share messages that are worthwhile and relevant


If you don’t have anything worthwhile to say, don’t go clogging up your customers’ mailboxes. Make sure you have a clear message and ideally something to offer your readers. Make it worth their time opening your messages – otherwise they will quickly become blind to your emails. Having a clear message also makes it easier to write an engaging subject line.


2. Use numbers in the subject line


Research has found that emails that include numbers in the subject line are more likely to get opened. The obvious way is to include an offer – 25% off for example, but you could also include statistics (“99% of customers say this product changed their life”). Keep an eye open for interesting numbers you could use in your marketing emails, and you may achieve a significant boost in the number of people engaging with your messages.


3. Create a curiosity gap


Following on from point 2, a highly effective trick is to stimulate the recipient’s curiosity so that they feel compelled to open your email. This can be done by leaving out a key piece of information, as in our example above: the phrase “99% of customers say this product changed their life” does not reveal what the product is, so it tempts the reader to click to find out more. To create a curiosity gap, think of the beginning and end of your message and leave out a crucial bit of information from the middle. For example: “Why 80% of women say this simple hack saves them hours each week.”


4. Make use of preview text


Some email clients include the option to display a preview text beside the email subject line when it is displayed in the recipient’s mailbox. If you have not added preview text, this text will be pulled from the opening of your email, but if you’re not composing specific preview text, you’re missing a golden opportunity to create more urgency and get your message across. For example, your email subject line might read: “We analysed email marketing techniques to discover what works” and your preview text could read: “Join our free webinar to win at email marketing.” 


5. Use emojis


It’s been reported that brands that use emojis in their email marketing can achieve a 56% increase in open rates – so emojis are more than just a bit of fun. It’s easy to add them to your subject line, and it’s also worthwhile experimenting with using them in your email copy too. Just a quick scroll through your email inbox will reveal how many companies are now using this technique. Why not give it a go?



Need help? At Primedia Marketing we’re experts in all of the above and more. Get in touch today to find out how we can boost your business.


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